Simple Summerpies


Simple Summerpies
(1 cake 24 cm in diameter or 3 cakes 10-15 cm in diameter)

100 g butter (room temperature)
100 g sugar powder
250 g flour
1 egg

any summer berries you like 
(I used blueberries and I gooseberries)
4 tbsp sugar
2-3 tbsp almond flour
1 egg yolk


Knead soft butter with sugar powder with fork or special silicone spatula. Add egg and stir until smooth. Pour the flour and knead a soft dough. Roll it into a ball and place in refrigerator for an hour.Wash berries and dry them. Large berries can be cut in half. Mix them with sugar.
Take dough from the refrigerator. Put it between 2 sheets of floured baking paper and roll circles. Put the dough into the pans, prick with a fork and sprinkle the bottom with almond flour. It will take the excess moisture from the berries while roasting.

For a closed pie, roll out the remaining dough and cover them stuffing. Grease the dough with beaten egg yolk. Put pies in the oven for 15-20 min, until the dough will become golden brown. These pies are the best when they are warm. By the way, you can prepare the dough and keep it to a month. Then just roll, add berries and go make a tea.


Love, Tanya

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