Potato au gratin was my family all time favourite. My mum used to slice potatoes, mix them with cream, cheese and butter and bake. Today I was excited to find the same dish in a 1920s cookbook and was surprised that the way of cooking is different. Potatoes in the old recipe are baked, cut in halves and then stuffed with a mix of cheese, cream, butter and baked again. This is how it was cooked in houses a hundred years ago! The result is the creamiest potatoes I promise!
Potatoes au Gratin with Cream
(1 per person. Time 1 3/4 to 2/1/4 hours) potatoes (medium to large) 2 oz (56g) grated parmesan cheese 2 oz (56g) butter 1 gill (150 ml) cream paprika pepper, salt
1. Pick even-sized potatoes, wash and brush them in cold water, make a slit on one side or prick all over with a sharp-prolonged fork.
2. Put them on a shelf in the oven at Gas 4-5/Electricity 350-375F (180C) and bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, according to the size.
3. When they feel soft if pressed between finger and thumb, remove from the oven, cut into halves – separate the halves – scoop out the potato into a basin.
4. Mix with the butter, cream, 1 oz of the cheese and seasoning to taste. Put back into the cases, sprinkle with the rest of the cheese, and either brown in the oven or under the grill.

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