Tag Archives: lemon

Honey Roasted Figs with Pistachios

Fig season is one of the best seasons! I think the best way to eat them is just raw, or adding to salads or place on the top of bruschetta with goat cheese and honey. I’ve roasted my amazingly ripened figs with honey and pistachios. It’s a very simple way to get a delicious dessert […]

Wholewheat Plum Galette with Pine Nuts

I’ve made a huge amount of galettes this summer! The most of them were with strawberries or mixed berries. And I’m not over with making them. This week I have made wholewheat dough for my galette and filled it with seasonal English plums. I wrote a lot of times that I like how plums turn […]

Raspberry & Ginger Jam

I’ve made this jam while thinking about cold autumn and winter days. Nothing is better for me then a cup of a hot tea or coffee with a flavorous jam when I feel sick. A raspberry jam reminds me about my childhood. My mum used to make a classic jam, she boiled it for many hours until jam became […]